During other times, I would have considered that many people as very few, but the sight of other humans now is neither comforting nor very encouraging

Keywords: karnataka , travel-tips , daytrips , safetravel , travelinindia , familytravel , travel

While searching for a suitable place to set the tent, we drove past a village landing in an area almost devoid of humans.


It was just so strange and funny going to another country without any need to drive, take a train or a plane, but I must say that it was more relaxed and I wish it could always be like that

Keywords: travel guides , europe , germany , lake constance , lake constance itinerary , mainau , trips from lake constance

If you take a boat you will be able to see Switzerland on your left, with many beautiful houses right on the water and Germany on the right, with all the elegant restaurants of Costance.


Paris Rip Off 2018

2018, Aging, Crayola 120 day challenge, humor, Paris, Travel,



I was fortunate enough to spend several days in Paris recently,  this was before all the disturbances began.  This was not my first trip there and I felt reasonably comfortable trying to navigate leaving the airport and buying tickets for the subway system.  A helpful gentleman working at the airport directed me to another type of ticket.  This was good for 1 week and valid on subway, buses and trains throughout Paris.  Would reasonably get me from the airport to our hotel and everywhere we wanted to tour.

So we happily purchased the tickets and proceeded to board the next train bound for the city center towards our hotel.  About halfway there the train stopped and they announced something in French which I could not understand.  Then required all of the passengers to disembark.  That train left with a number of announcements happening.  Another train sitting on the next track…

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Oklahoma hiking: The Mountain Trail, Robbers Cave State Park

hiking , oklahoma , outdoors , travel


Golden hour light on the Mountain Trail at Robbers Cave State Park, Okla.

Once my fall races ended in November, I did a major re-think about how I scheduled my time. It seemed I was devoting six days a week for training toward some sort of goal, be it a race or some arbitrary strength metric that usually meant I was sticking close to home every week so I wouldn’t miss a workout.

That meant that I was crowding out some of the thing I loved. It made weekend road trips nonexistent. Any hiking had to be within minutes from my house. It’s very limiting, and it showed: For all of 2018, I only went on two trips outside my city to go hike or climb something. Those were awesome trips, but too few in number. It’s hard to get your outdoor fix when you’re tethered to a schedule that’s…

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