Viva la Louvre.

Travel, Paris, Architecture, Art, europe, TheLouvre, Gallery

J. Journeys

Waking up in Marais was a trip, the small window by my bed opened out to views of Notre Dame and the Tour Eifel in the distance. Today was the day I visited the Louvre. A half hour speed-walk on that chilly Monday morning had me flushed and guilty. I arrived at the Louvre at 930am and enjoy a seamless entry.

Descending into the famed glass pyramid, the underbelly of art opened itself up to me. Her three deep caverns scattered with humans. I was so eager I almost couldn’t help myself from diving right in. But I checked my coat and tried to do some planning. Eventually got lost, went in circles, dove right in, and honestly you can plan your day at the Louvre and you’ll probably cover some ground, but you’re never going to see everything anyway so why not fly by the seat of your pants…

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Versailles Ventures.

Architecture, Art, europe, Paris, Travel, versailles

J. Journeys

A short bike ride to Saint Lazare station showed me that it was going to be a beautiful day despite the weather I had been watching with dread for a week. Half an hour later found myself in Versailles. Though I had plans to explore the town and head to palace grounds before the Chateau, it seemed I was just too excited and shot straight for the palace grounds on my bike.

The vast land was bewitching, stories of times past, my imagination running wild. Before I realised, I was in the palace gardens, getting blissfully carried away shooting footage on my GoPro in the beautiful weather in that stunning place. Suddenly I was met by a very grouchy glare from a security guard. Oops! I quickly jumped off my bike apologetically. ‘Pardonne moi’ I muttered as I cheekily didn’t delete the footage and wheeled away quickly.

It was time…

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