
Day trip from Rome to Pompeii with museum + other cultural tips

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When in Rome Pompeii is an easy, if long day trip.  Early one morning we met up with City Wonders for a bus ride down to the ruins of Pompeii.  The bus had a guide who pointed out points of interest along the way like the ancient Abbey of Montecassino and the Appian Way – the ancient main road from Rome to all other points in the empire.  Three hours and 1 rest stop  later we arrived in the ancient city of Pompeii.

Note: My sister had her iPhone stolen from her while on the subway to meet up with the tour group.  If you choose to ride the Roman subway system be wary – thieves take advantage of the extremely crowded conditions to press up against victims and search any pocket and bag they can get a hand into.  A few days after this incident I had 60 lira stolen…

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