I have so many wonderful memories and adventures from those places, but I know I have many more places to go

Keywords: life

I am so happy to be able to share my story here with you all, and as my blog grows so can my book. I want to inspire you all to explore the world, to go off an internet bucket list and do what you feel will give you the best rush and excitement. I am in no way classy when it comes to traveling, I believe that to see the view of the mountains you can’t drive up to a lookout, they are all made for climbing. But once you reach the top, it’s all worth it.


One of my favourite things about London are its parks — huge, green areas, surprisingly neat for being nature enclaves, and surprisingly full of wildlife for being so tidy and looked after

Keywords: travel , cutty sark ship greenwich , deer garden greenwich , london panorama from greenwich park , london parks greenwich , maritime museum queens house , one day trip in london , royal observatory meridian line greenwich , thames walk greenwich , travel , what to do in london outdoors 2021 , what to see in greenwich park london

From the top of the hill, you can see the Maritime Museum we were next to just a few minutes ago and the Queen’s House, as well as the domes of the Royal Naval College. Behind them, we see skyscrapers of Greenwich and Canary Wharf. On the far left, farther in the back, you can spot skyscrapers of the City of London – the famous square mile area in central London with headquarters of some of the world’s leading companies.


Since I was going to conquer the mountain alone, I decided to sign up for the geological tour that was hosted by the Mount St. Helen’s Institute

Keywords: travel journal

“If you are a hiker in good shape, this hike will tear you apart. All you’ll be able to say is, “I can’t take it much longer!” However, if you are a hiker in excellent shape, who has hiked Mount Defiance the hard way, you may have so much fun you’ll barely realize how sore you are hiking this mountain.”


During other times, I would have considered that many people as very few, but the sight of other humans now is neither comforting nor very encouraging

Keywords: karnataka , travel-tips , daytrips , safetravel , travelinindia , familytravel , travel

While searching for a suitable place to set the tent, we drove past a village landing in an area almost devoid of humans.


It was just so strange and funny going to another country without any need to drive, take a train or a plane, but I must say that it was more relaxed and I wish it could always be like that

Keywords: travel guides , europe , germany , lake constance , lake constance itinerary , mainau , trips from lake constance

If you take a boat you will be able to see Switzerland on your left, with many beautiful houses right on the water and Germany on the right, with all the elegant restaurants of Costance.


In 2003, UNESCO gave Harar the “City of Peace Prize” for the peaceful co-existence of its ethnic and religious communities

Keywords: {0}

Khat, chat or qat, depending on the spelling, is classified as an illegal drug in most of the western world but it’s perfectly acceptable in the Horn of Africa, where it’s seen as a mild stimulant or, jokingly, a coffee substitute. In Harar, where the world’s best quality is grown due to its perfect altitude and soil, it’s not only acceptable but as I was to discover, a part of daily life.


We here in Canada were lucky enough to escape the worst of the restrictions that other parts of the world saw

Keywords: Day Trips, Algonquin Park, Drummer Lake, Ragged Lake, Smoke Lake, Westward Lake, Wisp Lake

As part of the lockdown, all provincial parks were closed, including Algonquin. This stayed in effect until the end of May, when they opened again, first for day trip use and, as of June 1, for backcountry trips as well. Despite this loosening of restrictions, it’s likely going to be a while before I get out on an overnight trip.
